Our 1st Comic is Online! & The Team is Kicking It!

Well I’m just wrapping up another long, but strong week this late hour on a Friday night. The team really pulled together this week as we had several meetings and really got our game on!

Mrs. G and Nancy came up with some great ideas for the website, which will surely help draw traffic once we get things in motion. They also wrote some awesome copy, after working it through several rounds. I’m so excited and wish I could give you all a sneak peek, but I know that once we get Dave’s hand in it, and we’re able to publish the finished product it’ll most certainly be worth the wait.

Dave and I worked diligently to get his first 3-panel comic strip published online and we did it! Dave also did great polishing up the cast of characters. This will give us a lot of material to work with, and he can choose which of his characters he wants to draw as I prefer to give him a choice in his activities. He not only got the team of characters together, but he also put them all on a bus ready for their first field trip!

After another crucial team meeting, I was reminded that the website should be fun! I had been so hung up on getting everyone updated on what Dave was doing, I almost lost site of that. So a personal thanks to Sophia for that.

I have the most amazing ladies to work with, and above all their support has been of greatest value and helped me drive this all together. – BIG HUG GALS! ~ Mom